Darren Heveren has worked in an advisory capacity with Ian Edwards since 1997. Ian has grown his electric golf cart business to become the leading supplier in Australia and is now exporting arguably the best electric golf carts to the world. MGI Golf designs, manufactures, and distributes a wide range of Electric Golf Buggies and other golfing accessories.

Stannards Innovation
Darren has helped Ian grow his businesses over time through sound business advisory and taxation services across the last 20+ years. To be able to advise Ian at a high level it has taken a deep learning and understanding of Ian’s business.
As well as being a trusted adviser, our core services have included;
– Assistance with business acquisitions.
– Family office & succession planning.
– Long term wealth generation and protection.
– Managing all ATO interactions.
– Strategic business advice.
– Digital financial intelligence (#DFi).
Family Office and Succession Planning
A significant offering we provide for family business clients is assisting with the establishment of the family office. Succession planning is a vital activity for successful family businesses. It supports the goal of preserving family wealth, enabling inter-generational knowledge transfer, benefiting charitable causes, and having a positive outcome for all family members.
In the case of our high-net-worth clients, succession planning is intended to preserve family wealth and generally has three dimensions of structure, process and people.